Our unique approach to SIL
So much more than just accommodation, we're building the participants Circle of Security.
A Care Model They Can Depend On
Our staffing model allows us to quickly earn the trust of the participant. A support worker will stay at the house on a 7 day on, 7 day off roster. Long shifts provide stability and consistency that these young men can count on (no short shifts, no revolving door of staff).
Creating Places to Belong​​
Young men need a sense of belonging as this empowers them and builds their confidence. We're creating opportunities for interdependence and collaboration through inspired living arrangements, group camping trips, the Workwise work crew and our organised social events.
An Individual Plan for Progress
With the participant in the driver's seat, a plan for progress is developed based on their goals, needs, strengths and areas of improvement. We hold ourselves accountable to our participants success and we're excited to witness the progress they make.
A passion for what we do.
Co-founders Wilson and Rakai Strother
employability & economic participation
Our SIL and ILO participants are encouraged to join our in-house work crew. Workwise is a safe place for them learn about employment dynamics and appropriate workplace behaviours. They'll benefit from getting outside and doing a hard days work whilst being paid award wages.
Education to independence with Skillwise.
Skillwise is an up-skilling program that was created in collaboration with the National Centre for Training and Development. It is designed to help young men build upon their own understanding in the following key focus areas; Health and Wellbeing, Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution, Money Budgeting, Effective Communication, Positive Relationships and Cooking Basics.
Collaboration, Interdependence and Social Participation.
As an organisation we are focused on providing opportunities for social participation. Participants are encouraged to engage in our inter-home BBQ's, group camping trips and our organised social events. Through our Workwise program our participants get to network with other young men and engage with the community through our various service projects.